About Us
Joshua Gill
After the military, Joshua Gill found his passion for sales & marketing when working as an executive for a major radio station. Soon after landing his dream job, he noticed an unfair advantage that big businesses had over small businesses when it comes to marketing.
So, he decided to focus on solopreneurs by teaching them how to use Internet Marketing to even the playing field.

Michael Araujo
General Manager
Michael Araujo currently oversees the member fulfillment and satisfaction for Bossnation Academy, LLC. While armed with a wealth of technical knowledge, Mike's true strength is the ability to take complex problems and simplify them.

Why Bossnation Academy?
Many people ask why I just didn't go back to corporate. Simple! I want to share the freedom and fulfillment of working for myself with as many people as possible.
Internet marketing is a necessary part of business, and it isn’t going away. If you are interested in marketing, you can run your own successful business in any competitive space, and we at Bossnation Academy will show you how!
Meet The Team
We are a group of passionate and fun professionals eager to share our knowledge of programming, coding, and running a business in the tech industry.

Alli Choi
Web Developer

Jon Lynch
Lead Programmer

Ryan Patel
Business Strategist
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